The monthly scheduled meeting of the Fair Lakes Crossing Home (FLC) Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors (BoD) convened via Zoom videoconference beginning at 7:00 PM on 12 May 2021 to take up matters requiring attention.  During the COVID pandemic, as a public announcement, meetings dates are being posted in advance to the community calendar on the website with instructions for participation to allow for neighborhood involvement. 

Attendance:  3 of the 5 members of the FLC HOA Board were present: Ajay Ganji (President), Kevin Nawroth, and Clarence Hunter.  No community members attended.

Six items composed the agenda:

  1. Neighborhood Cleanup Status
  2. Tree removal from HOA common grounds near 13342 Emeric Court
  3. Invite ARC to next HOA Board Meeting
  4. Removing bamboo from HOA common grounds
  5. Adding bicycle racks near bus stops
  6. Adding community trash cans

Board Action:

  1. Neighborhood cleanup: Mr. Nawroth updated the board on the status of the cleanup scheduled for Saturday, 15 May.  Mr. Nawroth stated that 13 people have registered which include 11 through the web site and two board members (Mr. Ganji and Mr. Mattes).
  2. Tree Removal from HOA Common grounds near 13342 Emeric Court:  The board approved the removal of this tree at the special HOA board meeting on 5 May.  CMC was contacted and the board is waiting for CMC to send the contract for approval.
  3. Invite ARC to HOA Board meeting on 9 June:  Mr. Nawroth will invite the ARC to present an overview of the items they are tracking so the board can offer assistance where necessary
  4. Bamboo removal on HOA common grounds: Landscape company is addressing bamboo behind 13342 Emeric Court.
  5. Bicycle racks at bus stops: There have been several requests by homeowners to add bicycle racks at or near the bus stops.  Mr. Ganji has taken the action to identify homeowners to identify potential options and present them to the board.
  6. Community trash cans: Mr. Nawroth suggested adding public trash cans at common area locations.  Mr. Nawroth will contact CMC to get recommendations on potential contracts.
  7. No further business was conducted.  The BoD adjourned at 7:32 PM.
  8. The next scheduled BoD meeting is on 9 June 2021 at 7 PM.