The Fair Lakes Crossing Home (FLC) Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors (BoD) convened a regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom videoconference beginning at 7:04 PM on 13 April 2022.  The meeting and instructions for attending were posted on the HOA website calendar.   

Attendance:  3 of the 5 members of the FLC HOA Board were present: Kevin Nawroth (Treasurer), Clarence Hunter, and Pete Mattes. 

The agenda for the meeting only included eight topics:

  • Reserve Study implementation
  • Landscape Contract renewal
  • Parking spot marking in townhouse parking areas
  • Tot lot maintenance
  • I-66 VDOT parcel offer
  • Speed limit sign damage on Marshall Crown
  • Neighborhood cleanup and yard sale
  • BoD elections
  • Other topics were brought up for discussion at the meeting

Board Action:

  1. FLC HOA Reserve Study Implementation:   Mr. Mattes reported out to the BoD on the implementation of the FLC HOA Reserve Study.  Captiol Management Company (CMC) will take the Reserve Study findings for proposed projects on HOA administered property and include them in annual budgets over the life of the study (15 years).  The HOA BoD will then review the budgets each year and approve their content in conjunction with the CMC staff.  This will begin with the 2023 budget proposal this fall.  No action taken.
  2. Landscape Contract:  The FLC HOA landscape contract was renewed with the same firm that took over the contract last year based on good performance.  The contract is in place and the contractor is providing service to the neighborhood.  No action taken.
  3. Parking Spot Marking in Townhouse Parking Areas:  Mr. Nawroth brought to the BoD’s attention a request by residents in the townhouses on Marshall Crown to have the parking spots there restriped and numbered according to their residences.  The BoD unanimously approved (3-0) a motion to request CMC solicit an estimate for this project which the BoD will then consider for action.  Mr. Mattes will contact CMC to request they solicit estimates and report back to the BoD at the May meeting.
  4. Tot Lot Maintenance:  Mr. Nawroth also brought to the BoD’s attention the condition of the neighborhood tot lot on Marshall Crown.  The mulch in the play area is depleted and needs to be replaced and the fence is in need of significant repair.  The BoD unanimously approved (3-0) a motion to request CMC solicit bids to replace the mulch and the fencing at the tot lot.  The BoD would like CMC to ensure that the current landscape contractor be asked to submit a bid on the jobs giving his good record of performance to-date.  Mr. Mattes will contact CMC with this request and report back to the BoD at the May meeting.
  5. I-66 Project VDOT Parcell Offer:  Mr. Hunter brought the topic of an offer from VDOT of $1400 to the FLC HOA BoD to compensate the HOA for use of Parcel 737 to support I-66 signage as part of the I-66 project.  The BoD considered the ideas of how to proceed and made a motion to present back to VDOT a counter offer of $4000 through CMC for VDOT’s consideration.  The BoD unanimously approved (3-0) the motion and Mr. Nawroth will contact CMC to work with them on the details of the counter-proposal and report back to the BoD at the May meeting.
  6. Speed Limit Sign Damage on Marshall Crown:  Mr. Hunter brought to the attention of the BoD that the speed limit sign on Marshall Crown (adjacent to the park area) has been damaged and needs to be replaced.  The BoD President, Mr. Ajay Ganji, to contact CMC to determine how the speed limit sign can be fixed and to ask how the HOA can request some additional enforcement of speed limits on Marshall Crown and Veronica Drive given the speed of vehicles travelling on those streets which resulted in the sign being damaged and report back to the BoD at the May meeting.
  7. FLC HOA Spring Clean Up and Yard Sale:  Mr. Hunter brought up the topic of a spring HOA clean up event that would be held in conjunction with a neighborhood-wide yard sale.  The HOA normally conducts a cleanup event each spring and Ms. Lan Choi had suggested to Mr. Hunter that it be combined with the sale.  Mr. Hunter proposed that the sale could be conducted in a consolidated location and suggested the intersection of Marshall Crown and Veronica Drive as a central location with good access.  The BoD agreed and proposed May 21st as the date for both events.  The BoD suggested Ms. Choi lead the Yard Sale planning and Mr. Nawroth take lead for the neighborhood clean up.  Plans for both will be discussed at the May BoD meeting.  Mr. Hunter will discuss the yard sale planning with Ms. Choi.
  8. BoD Elections:  Mr. Ganji was not able to attend the BoD meeting in April, but has spoken to CMC about the process to conduct BoD elections.  Mr. Ganji will come back to the BoD at the May meeting with details and the BoD will initiate planning for conducting the next BoD elections to include selecting a date for the elections to occur.
  9. FLC HOA Architecture Review Committee (ARC):  Mr. Hunter brought the topic of the FLC HOA ARC membership before the BoD.  Mr. Hunter related that the ARC will have to replace departing members this summer.  The BoD requests Mr. Ganji to contact the ARC to discuss the updated ARC membership after the summer changes.  Mr. Ganji will report back to the BoD at the May meeting with information on this transition.
  10. With no further business proposed, the BoD members moved to adjourn the meeting.  The BoD adjourned at 7:50 PM.  The next BoD meeting will be on 11 May.  Whether in person or by Zoom, the meeting will be announced to the community to allow participation by any interested homeowners.