The Fair Lakes Crossing Home (FLC) Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors (BoD) convened a regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom videoconference beginning at 7:15 PM on 9 February 2022.  The meeting and instructions for attending were posted on the HOA website calendar.   

Attendance:  3 of the 5 members of the FLC HOA Board were present: Kevin Nawroth (Treasurer), Clarence Hunter, and Pete Mattes. 

The agenda for the meeting only included one topic, an initial review of the Reserve Study completed by the PM+ company and delivered to the BoD on 7 February.  Other topics were brought up for discussion at the meeting

Board Action:

  1. FLC HOA Reserve Study:  On 7 February, Capitol Management Company (CMC) delivered the Reserve Study that the BoD contracted PM+ to perform.  The BoDmembers discussed initial impressions of the report and some of the choices that the study presents to the FLC HOA over the next 5-10 years.  The BoD decided to continue to review the study and will take up how to create an action plan based on its proposals at the March BoD meeting (No Action Taken).
  2. Neighborhood Appearance Updates: The BoD then addressed the status of two action items from the January meeting: (1) reminder to FLC Homeowners about our individual responsibilities regarding snow removal and (2) fixing the lock on the display board at Northbourne and Marshall Crown which appear to have a key broken in the lock and preventing access to it.  The Board members present voted unanimously to also add reminders to all Homeowners about their responsibilities regarding the amount of time trash/recycling receptacles can remain at the curb/on the street and about lawn maintenance.  Mr. Mattes contacted CMC for their assistance on both items and will report status prior to the March BoD meeting.
  3. Landscaping Contract Renewal:  The BoD members present discussed the timing of the Landscaping Contract renewal.  Mr. Nawroth noted that he signed the previous contract for the HOA in March 2021 so the next set of bids for the FLC HOA should be prepared soon.  Mr. Nawroth will contact CMC to get a status on the solicitation of landscape contract bids for the 2022 contract and discuss at the March BoD meeting. 
  4. FLC HOA BoD Elections:  The FLC HOA BoD has been unable to conduct elections since summer of 2019 due to the persistent health concerns.  The BoD members present discussed the imperative to hold elections this year given the extended terms members are already serving.  Mr. Hunter will contact CMC to initiate their involvement in the process and report back to the BoD at the March meeting when the membership will create a plan for elections in 2022.
  5. With no further business proposed, the BoD members moved to adjourn the meeting.  The BoD adjourned at 7:45 PM.  The next BoD meeting will be on 9 March.  The BoD anticipates meeting via HOA Zoom account given pandemic conditions.  The meeting will be posted on the HOA web calendar to allow participation by any interested members of the community.